”Redco Textiles Limited is a Public Listed Company, incorporated in Pakistan on 17 October 1991. It was incorporated under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 now the Companies Act, 2017 and is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchanges.”
Redco Textiles Limited is an ISO 9001 certified, established in 1992. Its operations are vertically integrated from the manufacturing of fiber through to fabric.
Company’s Complaint Handling Cell:
Mr. Muhammad Kashif,
Company Secretary,
Tel: +92 333 5276087
Fax: +92 51 2344252
”Redco Textiles Limited is a Public Listed Company, incorporated in Pakistan on 17 October 1991. It was incorporated under the repealed Companies Ordinance, 1984 now the Companies Act, 2017 and is listed on Pakistan Stock Exchanges.”